Put Student Motivation First
Positive Reinforcement is a web application that enables principals to have more oversight and strategic control over the social culture and academic climate of schools. Student behavior is an indicator of academic climate. Negative behavior will negatively impact student performance and vice versa. Many times negative behavior in schools is overlooked because teachers have to find a way to continue to teach. But how does this affect the overall school climate? How does it affect individual students in the long run who are not held accountable for their actions? Positive Reinforcement allows teachers to record student behavior in real-time and aggregates that data in a way that stakeholders, such as principals, counselors, parents, and behavior specialists, can use it to circumvent future negative behavior and encourage positive behavior through systematic discipline, intervention, and incentivization. Continual school-wide usage of the app has the potential to:
1.) Establish clear expectations for student behavior
2.) Identify and circumvent disruptive behavior
3.) Incentivize and develop positive behavior
We are currently in beta testing mode. Contact us if you would like more information on being a part of the launch for the 2021-2022 school year.