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Stay Connected

Join our mailing list and stay updated on our progress as we report on our initiative in different cities.  In addition, you will have access to various opportunities to various resources to help better connect with this generation.

Be a Voice

We need you to share this with others.  Whether it is our website, Facebook Page, or emails, we ask that, if you believe in this cause, that you give others the opportunity to get involved so that we can grow our reach and build momentum.

Get the Book

We want you to see for yourself why this book is a powerful tool.  By reading it, you can form your own opinion and, if you see the value, you can take a stronger stance in your advocacy for this initiative and others like it.

Lead the Way

While teachers implement this curriculum in the classroom, parents can form group sessions with students outside of school to make an impact in their lives and the community.  You can take an active role in building this initiative in your city, community, or school.

Are you up for the challenge?

Teachers and parents are fighting on the front lines every day for the future of our students.  You can join this fight!  The following are some ways that we all can partner in this initiative.

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